This is a common slogan you see in Atheist buses in London to promote and propagate the sense of “No God”. As a child, I was born and raised as a devoted Catholic by my mom who is very devout and pious. Since that is the kind of mindset instilled in me and same as with the rest of the Filipinos; I could not help but raise an eyebrow when I got a glimpse of the slogan and what it was about. But as a teenager who has been exposed to a lot of what the world is like, it somehow made me think if they really have a point of stating there case. Since I came across this premise, I also was boggled so I did a little research but I ended up thinking I’d be wasting my time for the answer to the questions I had in mind is already at hand.
As we mature intellectually, we come to think logically. I propose; If I am just a nobody, and there are people greater than me so it would be as good as saying that there would also be someone greater who created those who are greater than me. That is where we have come to think that there is a supernatural force beyond all this that exists and that is what we call our GOD. We believe in God’s existence for we believe that there are just certain things that are magnificent enough for us to be left in awe. Thus, there is someone greater more worth of our awe that created us all. Though we may not see him but we believe he exists. We believed He exists because we are moved by faith not by any lame reason. It is our faith that made us see God not because there was a tangible proof but there is a mark left in all our hearts.
On the contrary, they also have their own premise. The Atheists would also assert that why would all of us bother to have religions and follow doctrines when it’s just a waste of time. They believe we are just fooling ourselves because we do not even know who we are worshipping. They think life would be a less troublesome existence if we worry on things that matter day by day not those things for the benefit of afterlife. They pose that we all should just enjoy life as what we have now without being bothered by certain supernatural being who, may assess if what you are doing is right or wrong. They want us to be good not because it’s what God wants us to do but we all should be good just out of the fact that we want goodness to rule.
They may continue to preach on what they believe is right about having no God but all the people who are intelligent enough would be able to assess that they are just proposing a notion with no strong foundation. We all can claim on what we believe but all would be left in the air if it isn’t proven; that’s how science think things ought to be handled. And to see is to believe is there battle cry. We all have been trying to prove both sides of the coin. We all have our own stories to tell. If we come to think of it, we do not need to question if god really existed if we believe that there is a certain level of superiority among each of us. If we would then discover who is greater than whom, then we end up with someone beyond our own imagination could surpass. It is a strong force invisible to nature, a being superior to anyone and a God who manages all that exists, seen or unseen. We also have scriptures dating ages ago to prove the faith we all have. We are moved by faith not by any amount of reason. They gained strength when things are now showing up, trying to prove how the world has started. Science is proposing the possibility of multiple universes and a lot more just to refute the existence of God. Since they all believe in reason, they also must need to make a better foundation on what they wanted us to understand. They are searching for natural explanation to all natural occurrences in this world. Couldn’t they just stop and understand that it is something supernatural that handles all; beyond what is natural and beyond what exists now.
We couldn’t care less. We can’t just stop and say we live life on a day to day basis without worrying of what lies ahead. We continue on with our lives thinking that we are doing things for the greater glory of our creator who, in the end, would be the master of our life and would be the judge for our second life. We may not see the importance of our good actions and kind deeds today but we surely would appreciate that if we let the hope in our hearts that there is a God continue to shine on. And besides, we can enjoy life even if we believe there is a God. We can continue on with a happy life knowing we are leaning on our creator. We just allow those people to continue what they probably think is right for them that there is no God and they shouldn’t worry on stuff that they should just enjoy what they have. In the end, no amount of religion can save us but it is actually us and our faith. Believing in God should provide us no hassle and we should be worry free for we have a God that provides and supplies all our needs. We do not need to worry on what to eat for tomorrow for tomorrow is another day. Enjoy and take the most of what you have now. All you have to do is believe that we have a God who is more than enough and would be there for us through all adversities.
-= Mark Anthony Doblas =-
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