Saturday, October 24, 2009


We are all flawed and imperfect...

Others are torn and broken..

We often commit mistakes and sometimes hurt other people unconsciously. There are things in life we stand up and will always fight for even if it will be contrary to the opinions of others. We break rules, promises and hearts. We lie, retaliate and speak our wrong thoughts out. These are negative aspects of our character that justifies our being human.. 

All of these are partial make-ups of the quintessence of our being which makes us different from the other.. There are moments that we just happen to ponder on our being who we are. we sometimes neglect it and more often than not, we tend to hate ourselves for who we came to be... 

Despite all of these, we all deserve to love and be loved. Did it ever cross your mind to ask if there will be someone willing to embrace our totality and not grumble on things we are not? when we ourselves at times hate the person that we are. 

We can never find a perfect partner just the way we want them to be. We cannot create a person we envisioned to have out of them. We might just end up creating a monster out of who they used to be. 

In the course of finding the perfect mate, it is important to consider the ability of your partner to fully accept who we are.. They need to love us not just because of the things that makes us lovable but also for the things most people hate about us... It is never a question of who will love us for the good that we are but most often, we will end up asking a more substantial question; who will stay and continue to love us after witnessing our imperfections?

That is one mysterious element of LOVE we all are experiencing yet we all take for granted. We must learn to accept the person as what he/she is. Loving is a matter of accepting. A matter of realizing that we are just humans and we sometimes fail. A even if we fail, that special someone would still be there, willing to take us no matter how unacceptable we may be in the eyes of other people. Indeed love is a many splendored thing, We just need to unfold each reality as we continue our quest in this journey to each others heart.

“Next-Level Mental Lifestyle”

Life as they say is a never-ending process. It continuously searches for something to satisfy the essence of its existence. It also has certain domains to feed, like that of the mind. The mind also has the undying crave for knowledge. It can be likened to scavengers, who continuously search for a prey to devour to sustain its life. As man unceasingly looks for meaning, it settles more on the gratification of its mind. Knowing it entails much attention, as it is difficult to achieve satisfaction. However, it is most often rewarding to having met the minds needs. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, a child thinks from the simple thoughts and gradually ascends to complex matter as the child matures with age and as it continuously interacts with its environment. Furthermore, as they progress, they apply all thinking processes to new experiences; gradually, they modify these processes to better accommodate reality. This occurs not through direct instruction, but rather through the child’s own mental activity and internal motivation to understand. As we progress in life, we must also progress in the way our cognitive domain function. We learned how to be objective, became systematic thinkers, solved equations, analyzed problems, applied abstract ideas and deduced or induced concepts. We now should go a step farther ahead on the capability our gray matter could endure. As we grow older each day, we need to face the task of expanding our knowledge we all have gained through time. It is imperative that we learn how to think more than the usual way we are accustomed and by this I say, thoroughly thinking in a theoretical way.
Coming across an article entitled “Thinking Theory Thoroughly” by James N. Rosenau. It introduces us to the nature of the hardest intellectual feat that we consider as theorizing. As hard as we view it to be, Mr. Rosenau had formulated ways on how to acquire the skill of using our theoretical thinking abilities to understand complex phenomena. It also presents the loopholes of understanding situations the non-theoretical way and suggests the better and fulfilling way of abstracting ideas through theorizing. It even provided nine steps for us to grasp easily the idea on how to apply theorizing. Let me just consolidate the inputs I have gained through the course of reading this article. I have learned that one is to have a better understanding of what theory really means and how to use it to their advantage. We must know how to set boundaries in the use of definitions to avoid misconceptions and to gain clarity in our thoughts. It also evolves around the confusion whether to use empirical theory over value theory. It prefers empirical theory as it bases on the knowledge of facts through experimentation and observation of details rather than the mere knowledge on what is it about. It also opens the idea that events happen not just as a unique circumstance but it has underlying factors to consider that it is happening in an order. For us to understand this way of thinking, we must know how to generalize but somehow learn how to link the situation as to its cause and effect. An instance is a tidbit of a larger idea we must focus on. It entails us to draw a bigger picture, to think outside the box in order for us to know deeper the concept of a certain phenomenon. The fifth step, is to generalize ideas using simple explanations rather than worry on the detailed argumentation resulting to complex thoughts that might lead to misunderstanding the entire concept. It also prepares us to be tolerant and to accept that things are at first ambiguous. Though things maybe unclear, it opens the door to consider all probabilities why a certain event transpired. It also exudes our creative juices and imaginative thinking to make it run freely, to explore all possibilities, to take the path less chosen and to think in a way that is unnatural to an ordinary mind. This process should be taken to lay all the probabilities on hand even if the idea seems to be illogical or absurd. With all steps internalized, one must also consider to ask important questions same as being concerned of having correct answers. Rather than giving emphasis on the answers, we should be directed to ask probing questions so as not to limit our investigation of the phenomena. Lastly, it shows that a good idea is always challenged so one must be ready to face inquiries proving it wrong.
For us to explain this concept it entails us to think the way it is suggesting us to think. Making it more beneficial for it allows us to experience another way of thinking, another mental lifestyle. Because of this, it gave us an idea to think out of the box for us to grasp a concept more in-depth and thorough. It is mind-boggling that it initially gives us a headache but with constant use, it will surely sharpen our mind. The author is trying his very best to convey his message to us but I think because of the complexity of the topic itself, he has a hard time looking for the appropriate words to make us understand in our present level of thinking and mental capacity.
As the cycle of life continues, the quest for knowledge lingers. We all should learn how to use this theoretical way of thinking to our advantage. I do agree with the author when he said that indeed theoretical thinking is a talent, for some it may be acquired early in life but for others it can be taught. It is a good thing it has been introduced to us but it is better to somehow be able to apply it in our daily experiences. But I do stand on my point that It may be possible for me to learn theoretical thinking, I may learn a lot from the author and incorporate it in my mental lifestyle and enhance my way of thinking but you cannot totally adapt it. Thinking is a way of life itself and you choose what is applicable to yourself. It may be a tough way of learning things but the effort is worth the feeling of accomplishment once you’ve completely fathom its deepness. As we continue to grow in our lives, let us not stagnate to the usual way of thinking but venture on the higher ways of learning. I could say that the ultimate end of thinking is when man is brought to his eternal destiny. So grab the chance to grow, learn and think theoretically for us solve the deeper mysteries of what lies ahead.
-= Mark Anthony Doblas=-

“There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”

This is a common slogan you see in Atheist buses in London to promote and propagate the sense of “No God”. As a child, I was born and raised as a devoted Catholic by my mom who is very devout and pious. Since that is the kind of mindset instilled in me and same as with the rest of the Filipinos; I could not help but raise an eyebrow when I got a glimpse of the slogan and what it was about. But as a teenager who has been exposed to a lot of what the world is like, it somehow made me think if they really have a point of stating there case. Since I came across this premise, I also was boggled so I did a little research but I ended up thinking I’d be wasting my time for the answer to the questions I had in mind is already at hand.
As we mature intellectually, we come to think logically. I propose; If I am just a nobody, and there are people greater than me so it would be as good as saying that there would also be someone greater who created those who are greater than me. That is where we have come to think that there is a supernatural force beyond all this that exists and that is what we call our GOD. We believe in God’s existence for we believe that there are just certain things that are magnificent enough for us to be left in awe. Thus, there is someone greater more worth of our awe that created us all. Though we may not see him but we believe he exists. We believed He exists because we are moved by faith not by any lame reason. It is our faith that made us see God not because there was a tangible proof but there is a mark left in all our hearts.
On the contrary, they also have their own premise. The Atheists would also assert that why would all of us bother to have religions and follow doctrines when it’s just a waste of time. They believe we are just fooling ourselves because we do not even know who we are worshipping. They think life would be a less troublesome existence if we worry on things that matter day by day not those things for the benefit of afterlife. They pose that we all should just enjoy life as what we have now without being bothered by certain supernatural being who, may assess if what you are doing is right or wrong. They want us to be good not because it’s what God wants us to do but we all should be good just out of the fact that we want goodness to rule.
They may continue to preach on what they believe is right about having no God but all the people who are intelligent enough would be able to assess that they are just proposing a notion with no strong foundation. We all can claim on what we believe but all would be left in the air if it isn’t proven; that’s how science think things ought to be handled. And to see is to believe is there battle cry. We all have been trying to prove both sides of the coin. We all have our own stories to tell. If we come to think of it, we do not need to question if god really existed if we believe that there is a certain level of superiority among each of us. If we would then discover who is greater than whom, then we end up with someone beyond our own imagination could surpass. It is a strong force invisible to nature, a being superior to anyone and a God who manages all that exists, seen or unseen. We also have scriptures dating ages ago to prove the faith we all have. We are moved by faith not by any amount of reason. They gained strength when things are now showing up, trying to prove how the world has started. Science is proposing the possibility of multiple universes and a lot more just to refute the existence of God. Since they all believe in reason, they also must need to make a better foundation on what they wanted us to understand. They are searching for natural explanation to all natural occurrences in this world. Couldn’t they just stop and understand that it is something supernatural that handles all; beyond what is natural and beyond what exists now.
We couldn’t care less. We can’t just stop and say we live life on a day to day basis without worrying of what lies ahead. We continue on with our lives thinking that we are doing things for the greater glory of our creator who, in the end, would be the master of our life and would be the judge for our second life. We may not see the importance of our good actions and kind deeds today but we surely would appreciate that if we let the hope in our hearts that there is a God continue to shine on. And besides, we can enjoy life even if we believe there is a God. We can continue on with a happy life knowing we are leaning on our creator. We just allow those people to continue what they probably think is right for them that there is no God and they shouldn’t worry on stuff that they should just enjoy what they have. In the end, no amount of religion can save us but it is actually us and our faith. Believing in God should provide us no hassle and we should be worry free for we have a God that provides and supplies all our needs. We do not need to worry on what to eat for tomorrow for tomorrow is another day. Enjoy and take the most of what you have now. All you have to do is believe that we have a God who is more than enough and would be there for us through all adversities.

-= Mark Anthony Doblas =-

Just me...

Just me...